My Morning Coffee Routine


Every morning I make a cup of coffee. It’s an enjoyable routine that lets me engage all my senses. Plus, it’s also an opportunity to spend some quality time with my daughter.

I’m not sure what initially attracted her to it (probably the loud noises coming from the grinder), but ever since she could walk, she would watch me make coffee. By the time she turned two, she was an active participant in the brewing process and would help grind beans and prepare filters.


Now, aside from measuring and pouring hot water, she can practically do it all herself.


It’s a simple routine. We use a Baratza Encore to grind beans, boil water in a Fellows Stagg EKG kettle, and then brew in an Aeropress. For my technique, I follow a slightly modified version of Lukas Zahradnik’s recipe that he used to win the 2015 World Aeropress Championship. 

The main difference is that I boil water at 100 degrees Celsius instead of 79 degrees. While 79 degrees is a good temperature to drink coffee at, I often have to set my cup down for a bit after brewing to help make breakfast, get my kids dressed, or change a dirty diaper. Brewing at the higher temperature means that my cup will stay warmer for longer.

My secret goal is for my daughter to be able to make me a cup of coffee every morning so that I can sleep in just a little longer. I guess until then, we’ll have to keep making them together.

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My coffee routine

Servings: 1

Adapted from Lukas Zahradnik’s winning recipe


  • Coffee: 20g

  • Water: 230g @ 100°C

  • Brewer: Inverted

  • Filter: Paper

  • Total brew time: 1:35


  1. Grind coffee at 7.3" on a Malkoenig EK43 - (about 24 on my Baratza Encore)

  2. Heat water to 100°C

  3. Add 60g of water

  4. Turbulent wiggle for 15 seconds

  5. Allow 30 seconds of bloom

  6. Add the rest of the water in 10 seconds

  7. Press down for 45 seconds